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类别:高三英语作文阶段:高三字数:150查看:次打印写作时间:2021-12-02 14:15:10

简介 Grateful150字作文,I'maSenior3student.Thecollegeentranceexamisonthew

  I'm a Senior 3 student.The college entrance exam is on the way.Everyone around us istrying their best tohelp us in different ways.

  At home,my parents talk good care of me.Prepare meals for us.The school provided convenient and extended the opening time of the library.We have a lot of time to study in the library.The teacher for us to help encourage us and answer problem-solveing.They are really working very hard.

  I'm very grateful for the efforts of my parents and teaches.I'm going to study harder.


下一篇:A letter to Amy_250字