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my dream job_100字

类别:初一英语作文阶段:初一字数:100查看:次打印写作时间:2021-12-07 04:53:38

简介 my dream job100字作文,Dreamalwaysseemstochangeovertime.Whatisyourdr

  Dream always seems to change over time.What is your dream job in the future?My dream job is to be a dancer.If I become a dancer,I will set up a dancing school for poor children.I will be their teacher and teach them to dance.If I become adancer,I will have a lot of performances to make money.I will send the money to thepoor children and charites.In my free time,I will dance for the lonely old people.If I can bring people happiness,I think I will be happier.I hope I will achieve my dream in the future.