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类别:四年级英语阶段:四年级字数:100查看:次打印写作时间:2021-09-04 17:05:39

简介 骆驼祥子读后感100字作文,AfterreadingthecamelXiangzi,Xiangzi,anambitiousyou

  After reading the "camel Xiangzi", Xiangzi, an ambitious young man, his heart is full of hope, hope to use their own labor and sweat of my own car, but he was wrong, his work just for a time of failure, so he began to gradually lose the original self-confidence, also carried out transformation, he began to become numb, cunning up, it makes me feel the society was ruthless and the frailty of human nature, but also made me understand to cherish the time now.