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My birthday party_200字

类别:五年级英语阶段:五年级字数:200查看:次打印写作时间:2021-09-06 17:07:51

简介 My birthday party200字作文,Hello.IamJahn.MybiethdayisinJune.

  Hello. I am Jahn. My biethday is in June . My birthday is in June . I will have a party.

  My mum will buy a birthday cake for me. My good friends will come to my house.

  We will eat fruit . We will piay many games. We will go swimming . We will go shopping.

  Wu Yifan will piay the pipa for me. I will make a wish . Then We will eat noodles.

  We will sing a birthday song. Then we will eat birthday cake . I am very happy on

  that day!


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