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My Favorite S_350字

类别:六年级英语阶段:六年级字数:350查看:次打印写作时间:2021-12-07 21:12:42

简介 MyFavoriteS350字作文,MyFavoriteSubjectIamagoodstudent.Ilikeallthesu

  My Favorite Subject

  I am a good student. I like all the subjects. But my favorite subject is science. Because my science teacher is very able. Sometimes I think science is very difficult. But he can teach me some methods. Then science is very easy. So I like science.

  This subject is interesting, too. It is art. Our art teacher encourages us to draw anything on the paper. I can imagine anything, and I can draw planes, clouds, trains and others on the paper. So I like art.

  I don’t like Chinese. Because Chinese is very difficult. It’s too complex. Sometimes I can’t understand something. Some of Chinese texts is very long. I’m too tired to read it. It’s so boring.

  I’m interested in another subject. It’s astronomy. In astronomy class I can learn something about Mars, the Sun, the earth, and so on. I can learn many things about galaxies, nebulas and constellations. I want to get a spacesuit very much.

  I like science, art and astronomy. What subject do you like?

  双流县实验小学六年级五班 林云韬
