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The future of me_150字

类别:高三英语作文阶段:高三字数:150查看:次打印写作时间:2021-12-02 14:14:03

简介 The future of me150字作文,Ioftenimageinewhatmylifewillbelikeinthefu

  I often imageine what my life will be like in the future.I will be 28 years old in ten years.I think that i will have a good life.I will have a boyfriend or will have been married to my lover and have our own lovely child.

  Ten years later i will get a good job.I will work hard until my dream comes true.I will become a doctor and help lots of patients to decrease their pains.I will stay with my family on the weekend,and we will go climbing.

  Finally,i hope that i can enjoy every single day of my life.In other words,i want a perfect balance between work and receation.