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类别:高三英语作文阶段:高三字数:250查看:次打印写作时间:2021-12-07 19:17:08

简介 西部地区开发的重要意义250字作文,thechinesegovernmenthasdecidedtoquickenthedeve

  the chinese government has decided to quicken the development of the western region. in recent years, the eastern region of china has been developing rapidly since its reform and opening up to the outside world.

  but the western region remains undeveloped. china is a large country with 56 nationalities. we must quicken the progress of china as a whole to realize the modernizations. although the western region is rich in resourses, yet it is short of water. with its development we must keep the balance of nature.

  only by relying on science and technology, can we develop the western part of our country soundly.